Church of Saint Paolino

The Church of St Paolino, Lucca is the only fully Renaissance church in the City of Lucca. Constructed between 1515 and 1536 it contains its original furniture, paintings and sculptures, and a richly frescoed interior.
Located in the historic centre of Lucca the Church of St Paolino and St Donato is commonly known only as the Church of St Paolino and is located on the street of the same name. Its outer appearance does not give an indication of the beauty that lies within, and it is easily missed when wandering around the city. The church dates from the first half of the 16th century although a church is known to have existed in the location as one was recorded in 738 as a church named after St George. Around 1000, the church was dedicated to St Anthony, but in 1261 the discovery of the bones of St Paulinus and the demolition of the nearby church of St Donato in 1513 led to the construction of a church dedicated to St Paulinus and St Donato. The work on this church began in 1515 and was completed in 1536. The work was begun by Baccio da Montelupo but was not completed by him due to his death. It was taken over by Bastiano Bertolani da Brancoli but he continued the original design to form the only fully Renaissance church in the city of Lucca.
The approach to the church is up five steps stretching across the complete front of the façade. Either side of the door, are two niches, these were originally empty, but in 1710 statues of Saints Paulinus and Donato were placed in them.
The interior contains the main nave and two aisles divided into four zones with barrel vaults and large Doric pillars. The church escaped any damage during the Napoleonic period, and still preserves its original furniture with paintings and sculptures and a richly frescoed interior with four chapels on each side. The main altar being created in the 16th century.
